Welcome to Eckankar in Idaho
Does something inside you long to know life’s purpose? To make sense of the world around you?
You are Soul, an eternal, creative being. Unlimited. Divine.
Eckankar is an active, individual, creative practice―a companion and road map
for your journey home to the heights of Self-Discovery, God-Discovery, and beyond.
Come along and discover the most secret part of yourself.
Join us for the events below to discover your life as a spiritual adventure!
ECK Soul Adventure Events
Riverside Hotel- Emerald Rm., 2900 Chinden Blvd. Boise, ID. Zoom Garden City Library, Community Room, 6015 N. Glenwood St. Garden City, Idaho
Opening the Window of Heaven
Learn Ways to Transform Your Challenges into Opportunities
Getting Your Own Answers From God
Access the God Current with HU, ancient mantra
ECK Wisdom on Health and Healing- Spiritual Discussion
Access the greatest creative force you can use for healing
For You From Eckankar
More ECK Soul Adventures
What inspires you?
ECKSoulAdventure.org offers dynamic podcasts, compelling spiritual artwork, stories of encounters with the Divine, and so much more.
Explore all the lookout points on the Path of Spiritual Freedom.
Sri Harold Klemp
Spiritual teachers from an ancient lineage walk among us today—
Adepts who have mastered the spiritual laws of life, embodying them in thought, word, and deed. Teachers of the highest order.
These are the ECK Masters.
Chief among them is the MAHANTA, the Living ECK Master. As an inner and outer spiritual teacher, his role is to awaken the God-knowledge already within you.
Advanced Spiritual Living Courses
This home-study program from Eckankar is a road map for your journey to Self-Discovery, God-Discovery, and beyond.
Understand the spiritual forces that shape the fabric of your everyday life. Find divine purpose in every moment.
As Soul, you have the God-knowledge within you!
Enjoy These Eckankar Videos
FREE Books
ECKANKAR—Ancient Wisdom for Today
How past lives, dreams, and Soul Travel help you find God